Tuesday 18 November 2014

Awesome Writing Week 6


I went to Auckland, we went on the Shark Bus. We saw sharks, aaahhhh I hated it. I love Auckland and we went on a boat trip. We stayed at Auckland City Oaks, Holly and Me liked it. Lauren stayed at Nanny's and I got new Smiggle. I love Smiggle. Lauren was happy to see us. Then we went home to see Lauren. It was nice to be home. 

By Taryn

When I go home I will be excited to go to McDonalds and I will be good. I am going with my family.

By Cleveland

I went to the BMX track and I fell off an it hurt. After BMXing I went to my Nana's, It was fun. I rode my bike and my brother's bike and my pants got caught in the chain.My brother helped do the garden and we went to the Longford School. 

By Briyden

On Saturday I did drums practise, it goes bam! It is so loud that Ryan goes "Aaaaaaa!"I am going to get my Uncle's drums. Mr Ashby teaches me, it is in Gore.

By Caleb C

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