Monday 4 May 2015

Writing- Weeks 1/2/3

Some fantastic writing from the last two weeks in Term 2! We are all making great progress and doing very well!

Once upon a time three little sharks were playing among the sea. They were very hungry. The shark's friends were making a surprise party. "Quick here they come"" and ... surprise! 
The End

By Eva

The soldier is carrying the other soldier. The soldier might be dead. The soldier is strong.

By Cassy

He is kind. He is heavy. The soldier got killed. The soldier is shot.

By Kaedyn.

The crosses are very special so you can remember the people who died in the war.

By Charlie.

I went to my Dad's maimai. Dad shot 6 ducks with Mike. I had soup for lunch.

By Ross (he received a principal award for this!)

The shark is finding fish and it is scary. 

By Leida

The soldier is picking poppies to give to people or to put in water. The field is really big, there are a lot of poppies to pick. He picked poppies to make badges from the poppies. The poppies are very special. The soldier is wearing a uniform. They are special uniforms.

By Taryn

Once upon a time a big white shark ate a person at Stewart Island and the shark sees a mermaid. She screamed "ahh ahh" and she swam away screaming. She was so scared she went to New Zealand. She told a person.
The End

By Frances

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